Re -
From Deforestation to Reforestation!
Transforming Tomorrows Jungle
From agriculture to Rainforest. Join us in our unique initiative to purchase and rewild large areas of land along the disputed 'buffer zone' at the very edge of one of the most severely endangered tropical ecosystems on the planet. The Leuser Ecosystem.

How it works

Sponsor Rainforest restoration
Upon acquiring land within this area, our dedicated team based in Sumatra will initiate the process of clearing the land from any existing agricultural activities. Then we will prepare the land for the commencement of the rewilding process.

We Reforest the land
Upon receipt of your contribution, we initiate collaboration with our on-ground team to embark on the transformation journey, converting former plantation land into a pristine expanse of rainforest. This endeavor not only facilitates the absorption of carbon from the atmosphere but also lays the foundation for a flourishing habitat that will eventually nurture an array of endangered animal species.
The land starts absorbing C02 from the atmosphere
That concludes the process! Once a diverse array of native flora species is planted in the designated area, our adept team, in collaboration with our esteemed partners at Restor Eco, Gain Forest and the TNGL, will diligently oversee and steward the land. This concerted effort aims to optimize its prospects of evolving into a thriving mature rainforest ecosystem.
Our Partners
Restor Eco
Restor is the largest network of restoration and conservation sites across the globe. The amazing team at Restor provide expert knowledge that informs our decision making and scientific insights. They help us to connect to other conservation and restoration projects around the world.
Gain Forest
GainForest is a swiss-based non-profit that democratizes transparency for nature conservation. Based on many years of research from ETH Zurich, MIT and Stanford, their transparency technology helps organizations like ATOVA International monitor and track environmental impact at scale.
We are working alongside the Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser government jungle rangers to provide long term protection for all areas of rewilded jungle that we manage. Over the next 5 - 10 years, we will hand over our managed jungle to the TNGL to make it part of the government protected national park, in doing so we can ensure that our jungle restoration areas are protected long term.
Metre by metre - your contribution to reforesting the Earth!
With every meter of land you invest in, you're enabling the absorption of 15kg of carbon dioxide annually once it matures. Your support creates crucial habitats for critically endangered species like the Sumatran Tiger, elephant, orangutan, clouded leopard, Rhinoceros, and Sun Bear, actively contributing to the restoration of our planet's wild spaces. Once a minimum freshold of 150 metres has been sponsored we will begin the rewilding process.