Our Impact
Built as the next generation of international development solutions, on a foundation of over 150 years of combined experience, ATOVA is a hard hitter when it comes to making positive impact on the PLANET and on its PEOPLE
Our Commitment to Change
In September 2015, the United Nations created a '2030 Agenda' for Sustainable Development that includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs. This Agenda emphasizes working together not as a religion race or nation, but as a species. United in our common goal of achieving sustainable development for everyone everywhere.
Here at ATOVA, we believe that development can only be successful when every community, everywhere, grows and develops together. This is why we have teamed up with the United Nations to help deliver these 17 Sustainable Development Goals in all of our target communities. Every program we deliver works towards one or more of these goals. Sign up today and help us to ensure nobody is left behind.
Find out more about the 17 sustainable development goals below!
The SDGs at a glance
Click on the icons below to find out more about each of the 17 Sustainable Development goals!

The Volunteer Journey
"In this modern age of comfort and excess, where adversity is the enemy and the easiest and quickest way is preferred, we have lost sight of one fundamental truth. Challenge and adversity is actually good for us. That is what the 'Volunteer Journey' is all about."
Samuel Oakes - CEO & Founder

Realise Your Potential!
What makes a placement with ATOVA really special is that it is built around you! Whilst delivering the next generation of sustainable development solutions in some of the most remote and beautiful communities on Earth, you will journey along a path of self discovery. Based on decades of research our Volunteer Journey will take you out of your comfort zone to help you realise your potential!
Comfort Zone
It may sound like a nice place to be. Indeed, many of us spend our lives in this zone, trying to keep as comfortable and safe as possible, but this is incredibly harmful and can seriously affect our mental wellbeing.
Fear Zone
This invisible barrier is what stops many of us from ever realising our potential. The fear that if we quit the job we hate we might not get another one, The fear that if we ask for the payrise we deserve we might be punished. Perhaps you fear leaving your home and travelling to another country. This is the barrier our 'Volunteer Journey' is designed to help you break through!
Growth Zone
The best things in life can be found on the other side of the 'Fear Zone'. The 'Growth Zone' is where the magic happens, prepare yourself because we are experts in getting you to this sweet spot of growth, learning and personal development.
Atova Zone
Confidence, Resilience and Wellbeing is needed more than ever before, and that's exactly what the Volunteer Journey is designed to help you achieve! The last stop on the path of self discovery, the 'Atova Zone' is where you will be at the end of your time with us.
Long Term Positive Impact
Here at ATOVA we don't just offer a voluntourism experience that gives you life changing memories, we are impact driven and each of our volunteer programs focus on maximising the potential for positive impact in each community and each individual who volunteers with us.
One of the reasons we focus on you as well as on the programs, is because we recognise that a short placement is not going to change the world by itself. However, an inspired and driven Active Global Citizen, newly motivated to spend their time and energy fighting the climate crisis can and will change the world. That's where you come in!
Alongside your programmatic delivery, you will participate in four personal development events both during and after your placement.